REACTION: Files Released, March and a Civil War
REACTION: Files Released, March and a Civil War
What is happening in the Church is happening in the political/govt, whats happening in the political/govt is happening in the Church.
Something happened between people and departments, something happened with Vivek that’s deeper.
You see civil war within the Church and within families like at Daystar and what happened at the NRB.
And at the same time you see a civil war percolating between the Trump federal government and the state government.
You see insurrection and power struggle within the government. It's about to boil over, the holdouts of Saul.
This country is trying to find order. It seems there is more disorder amongst this.
This is the arrogance of that same spirit that enticed Saul to fall.
Posted to Trump’s Instagram
GAZA VIDEO OF golden statue of Trump
Daniel 3:1-7
Nebuchadnezzar the king made a gold [-plated] image, whose height [including the pedestal] was sixty cubits (ninety feet) and its width six cubits (nine feet). He set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent word to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates and lawyers and all the chief officials of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. 3 Then the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates and lawyers, and all the chief officials of the provinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up; and they stood before it. 4 Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and speakers of every language, 5 that at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon (four-stringed harp), dulcimer, bagpipe, and all kinds of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. 6 Whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire.” 7 So when the people heard the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, dulcimer, bagpipe and all kinds of music, all the peoples, nations, and speakers of every language fell down and worshiped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
I'm disappointed with what I see going on to a degree
Within the address book:
Alec Baldwin
Liz Hurley
Mick Jagger
Members of the Rothschild family
Peter Soros is highlighted
Alan Dershowitz
You know in Washington, D.C. the term criminal defense attorney was searched 8 to 10 times more than in any other recent time.
The Lord in many ways is pushing things to a crisis or pushing things where they have to be dealt with, The White House included.
I think the wrong emphASIS is on the wrong SYLlable.
April 2, 2021
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, an exodus into the border, the flood of those looking to capitalize so there shall be a strike at the border that causes many to turn back as I, the Lord God, see the attacks and who they have woven into such migrants and wanderers. Those with the blueprints for a coordinated attack that touches down on different points on the map, and monuments and hubs of cities alike, shall be exposed as it is set to execute.
An internal struggle within the military shall cause a dispute and a civil war internally where officers shall oppose officers to get the chains cut and free that those who serve the principality of DC so attempted to lockdown. However, I the Lord thy God am opening up the vault, and officers, generals, and those at sea alike shall be disgraced and exposed.
Dream: Two Pigs Served Up, Congress and the Tares Dream from 1.17.23
In the early hours, I had a dream, I was only allowed to see one part of this dream. I was in some sort of what looked to be a hotel lobby/restaurant/offices. I was at a table that was against a wall, it was a light wooden table. There was what “appeared” (keyword) to be food put before me. What was put before me appeared to be a pork roast…a sizable one covered in some type of reddish glaze, and the head of a much older pig. Now, I know this sounds awful but stay with me. The head of this old pig was moving, its snout moving, at the same time this roast stands up and it is a smaller and a bit younger pig who begins to attack this older pig. Before this happened, I took compassion on the old pig who only had a head left but promptly stood up in disgust when I saw what was happening. I walked around the table to see a black box inside the head of the old pig. I marched myself through this busy hub, actually, a group of 3 airline captains passed me by, and it appeared to be Delta. I am searching for a manager when I come to a desk with a man in his very early 20’s frantically trying to make what appeared to be posters. At this point, I was incensed and asked for a manager and yelled “I am not eating this and I have 350,000 subscribers who would love to know what you are serving”. The man appeared to get very nervous almost frozen in fear at what I was actually saying he had a green hoodie on, and I woke up.
It's a time of year where things connected happen…
OLDER PIG that was moved out of the way so a MUCH younger HOGG could take its place… it was a lobby, like lobbyists office…
Hoggs are presented to the people, they are of the same kind, same party now fighting each other.
A black box…like on airplanes…
When I come to a desk with a man in his very early 20’s frantically trying to make what appeared to be posters.
HOW OLD IS David Hogg- early 20s.
This dream was pointing directly at this time with a crisis with the airlines, while hoggs are fighting for dominance because a civil war has happened in their party.
And a man in his early 20s is highlighted who is a protester.
“I am not eating this and I have subscribers who would love to know what you are serving”.
That was exposure to what is happening now.
April 28, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this election cycle that is coming upon you shall be the most baffling, shocking, and head-scratching that has occurred, there shall be unexpected surfacings and there shall be a parting of the parties and independents shall rise who do not want to be chained to either the marching elephants or the backbiting donkeys says the Lord, beholden to neither side, there shall be a DEEP GAP AND SPLIT AND CIVIL WAR WITHIN ONE PARTY. A GAPING HOLE SAYS THE LORD INCLUDING IN A MONUMENT, WHAT A SPECTACLE, SAYS THE LORD.
December 18, 2024
A bang in January says the Lord a bang in January around that time, says the Lord, they plot for blood at this time, says the Lord, however for such you shall be ripped from your seats of influence in the bureaus and the Intelligence agencies and the pentagon, says the Lord, for you have been allured with the aroma of another 9-11 to turn the nation your have been allured with delicate dainties that are deceit, says the Lord, IT IS A DECEPTION AND I SHALL UNCOVER YOU SAYS THE LORD YOUR plots your deceptions your working with nations involved in war to turn America on a chain where you want it to go you foul perverse leaders, you foul perverse agencies, I shall turn you says the Lord another stroke and page, says the Lord, sound the alarm!
December 31, 2024
December 31st, 2024 by Amanda Grace.
As a backdraft is happening in the church, as Carter dies, civil war is appearing to erupt.
As there appears to be a civil type of war or division happening within the church, even the leader of the church of England has stepped down in this time, it has erupted in the political Arena because they are running parallel right now, what is happening in the political arena is happening in the church, and what is happening in the church is happening in the political arena.
Abner’s actions began a civil war with Abner, the house of Saul, and the armies of Israel fighting David, his mighty men, and the tribe of Judah.
As the war escalated, the Bible tells us that “Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul”
2 Samuel 3:6-11
It came about while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone into my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hands of David; and yet today you charge me with a guilt concerning the woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if as the Lord has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and to establish the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.” 11 And he could no longer answer Abner a word, because he was afraid of him.
What exactly this means is up for debate. However, we read that Abner claimed Rizpah, a concubine of King Saul, for himself Some would have viewed this as a move to seize Saul’s power. We see this same issue arise with King Solomon and his brother Adonijah. While his motives may be unclear, Ish-bosheth perceived Abner’s actions as an attempt to claim the throne and accused Abner of sedition (2 Samuel 3:7).
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
There are a few Abner's in the church and around the president that are switching sides.
They are going to get us into a scuffle. They are strengthening themselves off the “civil war” in the church and the government.
June 8, 2024
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
Thus says the Lord that the door is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
The presidency of Abraham Lincoln began March 4, 1861, when Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th president of the United States, and ended upon his death on April 15, 1865, 42 days into his second term. Lincoln was the first member of the recently established Republican Party elected to the presidency. Lincoln successfully presided over the Union victory in the American Civil War, which dominated his presidency and resulted in the end of slavery. He was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson.
Lincoln took office following the 1860 presidential election, in which he won a plurality of the popular vote in a four-candidate field. Almost all of Lincoln's votes came from the Northern United States, as the Republicans held little appeal to voters in the Southern United States.
March 3rd- that would be 42 days into Trump's second term.
It was 42 days into Lincoln's 2 terms as civil war was happening that they assassinated him.
March 3 is within the 2 week window of Purim
45, 47=911
The Ides of March (/aɪdz/; Latin: Idus Martiae, Medieval Latin: Idus Martii)[1] is the day on the Roman calendar marked as the Idus, roughly the midpoint of a month, of Martius, corresponding to 15 March on the Gregorian calendar. It was marked by several major religious observances. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history.
August 1, 2023
Thus says the Lord, a civil war within the walls of the White House shall spill out. Panic has begun, and the scrub down has commenced. However, they may attempt to erase the memory; the memory has a backup that shall fall into the hands of committees. These committees shall unpack its contents and lay it bare. Their skirts shall be lifted above their heads, and their nakedness exposed.
May 6, 2024
They are right now preparing that stick of dynamite that will provoke those who desire to see your nation cleansed will attempt a provocation at this time. The George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln Tunnel 2 leaders that lead in a time of great tumult, watch those areas says the Lord for provocation and attack for the heads of your nation know high-level terror has come across your borders and established itself in key points in your nation–THEY KNOW AND THEY ARE ALLOWING IT TO ALLOW A FABRICATED CRISIS TO TAKE PLACE SO THE WICKED ON BOTH SIDES CAN MAINTAIN CONTROL OF PLANS THAT ARE SET TO DERAIL, ANOTHER DERAILMENT SAYS THE LORD SHALL CONFIRM, THIS AS THEIR CORRUPT TRAIN FILLED WITH THEIR ENTITLEMENTS AND LIES IS SET TO RUN RIGHT OFF THE TRACK AND CAUSE A WRECK SAYS THE LORD.
May 6, 2024
Thus says the Lord, the Vatican, smoke from their chimneys, a changing of the guard for every foul perverse spirit is feasting at their table and they have praised the gods of gold and silver, and the serpent of the rainbow, they have praised their saints and the work of THEIR hands. I, the Lord, have given mercy and time and in this time their altars shall be broken as well says the Lord as well as the place of MY Son who died at Calvary cleansed of its relics in this time for I, the Lord, am calling you back to HOLINESS.
So in this word the Lord mentions the Vatican, a new pope at the same time he is mentioning a time of great tumult in our nation and Washington and Lincoln are named.
February 20, 2025
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Lincoln and Washington, WATCH THOSE AREAS where such is named. For the enemy is attempting, along with corrupt hosts, to make a vicious statement in this hour by attacking such with names who sat in high leadership in this nation going back to its inception, says the Lord.
Lincoln and Washington were both involved in wars.
Revolutionary and Civil.
The second attempt on his life was September 15, 2024 9+15+20+24=64
It’s that year 1964 that connects to this.
BUT 1864 was the Civil War, which is why these dates line up like this: they were attempting to assassinate him to start another Civil War and have enough blood to get this gate back open.
EAGLE PASS, Tex. — A century and a half ago, Confederate Gen. Joseph Orville Shelby splashed into the wild waters of the Rio Grande off this border city and fled to Mexico, refusing to surrender to Union soldiers. Now the park named in his honor has become a front line in a feud between the state and the federal government—a power struggle over who ultimately has the right to control the border and the tide of humanity trying to cross it.
The Civil War…Abraham Lincoln, we will get to all of this.
This is when the border is being fortified and deportations are taking place.
February 13, 2025
For in Chicago, says the Lord, during the democratic convention there was a secret meeting. ALL their fanfare outside was simply a distraction, a shiny object, a blasphemous one for the media and reporters to cover. HOWEVER, in an inner room near the top floor, there was a secret meeting, says the Lord. And within that meeting, an alternative plan was discussed and measures put in place in case the rise of Kamala and the talking serpents failed….This blueprint was for a hostile takeover from within. This blueprint was formed with members of congress, governors, members of the CIA, FBI, and Department of Education as well as the CDC, representatives were all there along with former presidents both democrat and republicans. And at this meeting, this blueprint was formed as emergency measures if the man called Donald Trump, won. The night of the election, MY children, it was activated and those in the FBI have a copy of such. And THIS IS WHY THEY DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, SUCH CONFIRMATIONS, BECAUSE THE BLUEPRINTS ARE BEING HELD BY DIRECTORS AND FORMER DIRECTORS.
Purim is marked, says the Lord, the Hamans shall be hunted the decrees reversed and a disaster shall be averted, a BLOOD moon, says the Lord, pray for the reversal of the destruction of families lines for that assignment has gone out, however the prayers of the saints will what be reverses it by a hair, thus says the Lord of Hosts, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
April 9, 2022
There is a civil war going on within the artificial intelligence world and within the world of those that attend things as the world economic forum. There is a civil war that is happening amongst them and some of them don't trust the other, so some of them may be corrupted but they're not as corrupted as the others so therefore they don't trust the others so they're doing things to hedge their bet. Remember I said this–hedge their bet. In this season you're going to see many of them doing weird things like Elon Musk buying Twitter to hedge their bet because they don't trust the other titans at the table they don't trust them there's going to be so much mistrust within their communities and a civil war that's going to spill out into the public eye because they're all trying to build Babel and they're all some of them are trying to hedge their bet and protect themselves in the midst of what they see happening. These are shrewd businessmen we're dealing with right now, so I would watch for that also in this season. I praise the Lord and I give God all the glory. Just pray and watch and test the spirit. Keep the faith. We love you and we praise Almighty God.
He needs to stop trolling God.
Where the hay hay was the office of faith on this one.
What is happening in the Church is happening in the political/govt, whats happening in the political/govt is happening in the Church.
Something happened between people and departments, something happened with Vivek that’s deeper.
You see civil war within the Church and within families like at Daystar and what happened at the NRB.
And at the same time you see a civil war percolating between the Trump federal government and the state government.
You see insurrection and power struggle within the government. It's about to boil over, the holdouts of Saul.
This country is trying to find order. It seems there is more disorder amongst this.
This is the arrogance of that same spirit that enticed Saul to fall.
Posted to Trump’s Instagram
GAZA VIDEO OF golden statue of Trump
Daniel 3:1-7
Nebuchadnezzar the king made a gold [-plated] image, whose height [including the pedestal] was sixty cubits (ninety feet) and its width six cubits (nine feet). He set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent word to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates and lawyers and all the chief officials of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. 3 Then the satraps, the prefects, the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates and lawyers, and all the chief officials of the provinces gathered together for the dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up; and they stood before it. 4 Then the herald loudly proclaimed, “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and speakers of every language, 5 that at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon (four-stringed harp), dulcimer, bagpipe, and all kinds of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. 6 Whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire.” 7 So when the people heard the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, dulcimer, bagpipe and all kinds of music, all the peoples, nations, and speakers of every language fell down and worshiped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
I'm disappointed with what I see going on to a degree
Within the address book:
Alec Baldwin
Liz Hurley
Mick Jagger
Members of the Rothschild family
Peter Soros is highlighted
Alan Dershowitz
You know in Washington, D.C. the term criminal defense attorney was searched 8 to 10 times more than in any other recent time.
The Lord in many ways is pushing things to a crisis or pushing things where they have to be dealt with, The White House included.
I think the wrong emphASIS is on the wrong SYLlable.
April 2, 2021
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, an exodus into the border, the flood of those looking to capitalize so there shall be a strike at the border that causes many to turn back as I, the Lord God, see the attacks and who they have woven into such migrants and wanderers. Those with the blueprints for a coordinated attack that touches down on different points on the map, and monuments and hubs of cities alike, shall be exposed as it is set to execute.
An internal struggle within the military shall cause a dispute and a civil war internally where officers shall oppose officers to get the chains cut and free that those who serve the principality of DC so attempted to lockdown. However, I the Lord thy God am opening up the vault, and officers, generals, and those at sea alike shall be disgraced and exposed.
Dream: Two Pigs Served Up, Congress and the Tares Dream from 1.17.23
In the early hours, I had a dream, I was only allowed to see one part of this dream. I was in some sort of what looked to be a hotel lobby/restaurant/offices. I was at a table that was against a wall, it was a light wooden table. There was what “appeared” (keyword) to be food put before me. What was put before me appeared to be a pork roast…a sizable one covered in some type of reddish glaze, and the head of a much older pig. Now, I know this sounds awful but stay with me. The head of this old pig was moving, its snout moving, at the same time this roast stands up and it is a smaller and a bit younger pig who begins to attack this older pig. Before this happened, I took compassion on the old pig who only had a head left but promptly stood up in disgust when I saw what was happening. I walked around the table to see a black box inside the head of the old pig. I marched myself through this busy hub, actually, a group of 3 airline captains passed me by, and it appeared to be Delta. I am searching for a manager when I come to a desk with a man in his very early 20’s frantically trying to make what appeared to be posters. At this point, I was incensed and asked for a manager and yelled “I am not eating this and I have 350,000 subscribers who would love to know what you are serving”. The man appeared to get very nervous almost frozen in fear at what I was actually saying he had a green hoodie on, and I woke up.
It's a time of year where things connected happen…
OLDER PIG that was moved out of the way so a MUCH younger HOGG could take its place… it was a lobby, like lobbyists office…
Hoggs are presented to the people, they are of the same kind, same party now fighting each other.
A black box…like on airplanes…
When I come to a desk with a man in his very early 20’s frantically trying to make what appeared to be posters.
HOW OLD IS David Hogg- early 20s.
This dream was pointing directly at this time with a crisis with the airlines, while hoggs are fighting for dominance because a civil war has happened in their party.
And a man in his early 20s is highlighted who is a protester.
“I am not eating this and I have subscribers who would love to know what you are serving”.
That was exposure to what is happening now.
April 28, 2023
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, this election cycle that is coming upon you shall be the most baffling, shocking, and head-scratching that has occurred, there shall be unexpected surfacings and there shall be a parting of the parties and independents shall rise who do not want to be chained to either the marching elephants or the backbiting donkeys says the Lord, beholden to neither side, there shall be a DEEP GAP AND SPLIT AND CIVIL WAR WITHIN ONE PARTY. A GAPING HOLE SAYS THE LORD INCLUDING IN A MONUMENT, WHAT A SPECTACLE, SAYS THE LORD.
December 18, 2024
A bang in January says the Lord a bang in January around that time, says the Lord, they plot for blood at this time, says the Lord, however for such you shall be ripped from your seats of influence in the bureaus and the Intelligence agencies and the pentagon, says the Lord, for you have been allured with the aroma of another 9-11 to turn the nation your have been allured with delicate dainties that are deceit, says the Lord, IT IS A DECEPTION AND I SHALL UNCOVER YOU SAYS THE LORD YOUR plots your deceptions your working with nations involved in war to turn America on a chain where you want it to go you foul perverse leaders, you foul perverse agencies, I shall turn you says the Lord another stroke and page, says the Lord, sound the alarm!
December 31, 2024
December 31st, 2024 by Amanda Grace.
As a backdraft is happening in the church, as Carter dies, civil war is appearing to erupt.
As there appears to be a civil type of war or division happening within the church, even the leader of the church of England has stepped down in this time, it has erupted in the political Arena because they are running parallel right now, what is happening in the political arena is happening in the church, and what is happening in the church is happening in the political arena.
Abner’s actions began a civil war with Abner, the house of Saul, and the armies of Israel fighting David, his mighty men, and the tribe of Judah.
As the war escalated, the Bible tells us that “Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul”
2 Samuel 3:6-11
It came about while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David that Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone into my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hands of David; and yet today you charge me with a guilt concerning the woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if as the Lord has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and to establish the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.” 11 And he could no longer answer Abner a word, because he was afraid of him.
What exactly this means is up for debate. However, we read that Abner claimed Rizpah, a concubine of King Saul, for himself Some would have viewed this as a move to seize Saul’s power. We see this same issue arise with King Solomon and his brother Adonijah. While his motives may be unclear, Ish-bosheth perceived Abner’s actions as an attempt to claim the throne and accused Abner of sedition (2 Samuel 3:7).
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
There are a few Abner's in the church and around the president that are switching sides.
They are going to get us into a scuffle. They are strengthening themselves off the “civil war” in the church and the government.
June 8, 2024
The root shall and will be dug up in a public excavation before the people, for the wicked have mixed in sand with the soil and it has weakened the root.
Thus says the Lord that the door is about to open and this nation must prepare for the enormous political backdraft that will occur because of a door suddenly opening.
YOUR LEADERS SHOULD TREMBLE FOR SCROLLS HAVE ENTERED WASHINGTON DC AND THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE OPENED BY ANGELS PREPARED TO OVERTURN IT AT THE OPENING OF THESE SCROLLS, MY CHURCH NOW IS YOUR HOUR TO RISE UP AND BE THE VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS PROCLAIMING THE WAY OF SALVATION AND LEADING A VERY LOST NATION THROUGH THIS DARK VALLEY, YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A CITY ON A HILL AND IF PART OF THE CHURCH WANTS TO DIE IN THAT VALLEY OF DRY BONES THEN CONTINUE ON MY LITTLE FLOCK. PROPHESY TO THE VALLEY OF BONES IN YOUR NATION THAT THE GRAVE WILL RELEASE ITS GRIP AND YOUR NATION COMES FORTH FROM THE TOMB OF SODOM IT WAS SO PLACED IN, know this day I am God there is no other, a historic and unprecedented time calls for such measures, the sword of the Spirit and your faith My children is what will make a very broken nation a new vessel upon the wheel of the Potter, the winds of change shall suddenly bring a storm that is one of judgment and correction, prepare My children the desperation they so unleash will be what causes their fall, PRIDE shall now be their judge and jury thus says the Lord of Hosts in Jesus' name.
The presidency of Abraham Lincoln began March 4, 1861, when Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th president of the United States, and ended upon his death on April 15, 1865, 42 days into his second term. Lincoln was the first member of the recently established Republican Party elected to the presidency. Lincoln successfully presided over the Union victory in the American Civil War, which dominated his presidency and resulted in the end of slavery. He was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson.
Lincoln took office following the 1860 presidential election, in which he won a plurality of the popular vote in a four-candidate field. Almost all of Lincoln's votes came from the Northern United States, as the Republicans held little appeal to voters in the Southern United States.
March 3rd- that would be 42 days into Trump's second term.
It was 42 days into Lincoln's 2 terms as civil war was happening that they assassinated him.
March 3 is within the 2 week window of Purim
45, 47=911
The Ides of March (/aɪdz/; Latin: Idus Martiae, Medieval Latin: Idus Martii)[1] is the day on the Roman calendar marked as the Idus, roughly the midpoint of a month, of Martius, corresponding to 15 March on the Gregorian calendar. It was marked by several major religious observances. In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history.
August 1, 2023
Thus says the Lord, a civil war within the walls of the White House shall spill out. Panic has begun, and the scrub down has commenced. However, they may attempt to erase the memory; the memory has a backup that shall fall into the hands of committees. These committees shall unpack its contents and lay it bare. Their skirts shall be lifted above their heads, and their nakedness exposed.
May 6, 2024
They are right now preparing that stick of dynamite that will provoke those who desire to see your nation cleansed will attempt a provocation at this time. The George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln Tunnel 2 leaders that lead in a time of great tumult, watch those areas says the Lord for provocation and attack for the heads of your nation know high-level terror has come across your borders and established itself in key points in your nation–THEY KNOW AND THEY ARE ALLOWING IT TO ALLOW A FABRICATED CRISIS TO TAKE PLACE SO THE WICKED ON BOTH SIDES CAN MAINTAIN CONTROL OF PLANS THAT ARE SET TO DERAIL, ANOTHER DERAILMENT SAYS THE LORD SHALL CONFIRM, THIS AS THEIR CORRUPT TRAIN FILLED WITH THEIR ENTITLEMENTS AND LIES IS SET TO RUN RIGHT OFF THE TRACK AND CAUSE A WRECK SAYS THE LORD.
May 6, 2024
Thus says the Lord, the Vatican, smoke from their chimneys, a changing of the guard for every foul perverse spirit is feasting at their table and they have praised the gods of gold and silver, and the serpent of the rainbow, they have praised their saints and the work of THEIR hands. I, the Lord, have given mercy and time and in this time their altars shall be broken as well says the Lord as well as the place of MY Son who died at Calvary cleansed of its relics in this time for I, the Lord, am calling you back to HOLINESS.
So in this word the Lord mentions the Vatican, a new pope at the same time he is mentioning a time of great tumult in our nation and Washington and Lincoln are named.
February 20, 2025
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Lincoln and Washington, WATCH THOSE AREAS where such is named. For the enemy is attempting, along with corrupt hosts, to make a vicious statement in this hour by attacking such with names who sat in high leadership in this nation going back to its inception, says the Lord.
Lincoln and Washington were both involved in wars.
Revolutionary and Civil.
The second attempt on his life was September 15, 2024 9+15+20+24=64
It’s that year 1964 that connects to this.
BUT 1864 was the Civil War, which is why these dates line up like this: they were attempting to assassinate him to start another Civil War and have enough blood to get this gate back open.
EAGLE PASS, Tex. — A century and a half ago, Confederate Gen. Joseph Orville Shelby splashed into the wild waters of the Rio Grande off this border city and fled to Mexico, refusing to surrender to Union soldiers. Now the park named in his honor has become a front line in a feud between the state and the federal government—a power struggle over who ultimately has the right to control the border and the tide of humanity trying to cross it.
The Civil War…Abraham Lincoln, we will get to all of this.
This is when the border is being fortified and deportations are taking place.
February 13, 2025
For in Chicago, says the Lord, during the democratic convention there was a secret meeting. ALL their fanfare outside was simply a distraction, a shiny object, a blasphemous one for the media and reporters to cover. HOWEVER, in an inner room near the top floor, there was a secret meeting, says the Lord. And within that meeting, an alternative plan was discussed and measures put in place in case the rise of Kamala and the talking serpents failed….This blueprint was for a hostile takeover from within. This blueprint was formed with members of congress, governors, members of the CIA, FBI, and Department of Education as well as the CDC, representatives were all there along with former presidents both democrat and republicans. And at this meeting, this blueprint was formed as emergency measures if the man called Donald Trump, won. The night of the election, MY children, it was activated and those in the FBI have a copy of such. And THIS IS WHY THEY DELAY, DELAY, DELAY, SUCH CONFIRMATIONS, BECAUSE THE BLUEPRINTS ARE BEING HELD BY DIRECTORS AND FORMER DIRECTORS.
Purim is marked, says the Lord, the Hamans shall be hunted the decrees reversed and a disaster shall be averted, a BLOOD moon, says the Lord, pray for the reversal of the destruction of families lines for that assignment has gone out, however the prayers of the saints will what be reverses it by a hair, thus says the Lord of Hosts, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
April 9, 2022
There is a civil war going on within the artificial intelligence world and within the world of those that attend things as the world economic forum. There is a civil war that is happening amongst them and some of them don't trust the other, so some of them may be corrupted but they're not as corrupted as the others so therefore they don't trust the others so they're doing things to hedge their bet. Remember I said this–hedge their bet. In this season you're going to see many of them doing weird things like Elon Musk buying Twitter to hedge their bet because they don't trust the other titans at the table they don't trust them there's going to be so much mistrust within their communities and a civil war that's going to spill out into the public eye because they're all trying to build Babel and they're all some of them are trying to hedge their bet and protect themselves in the midst of what they see happening. These are shrewd businessmen we're dealing with right now, so I would watch for that also in this season. I praise the Lord and I give God all the glory. Just pray and watch and test the spirit. Keep the faith. We love you and we praise Almighty God.
He needs to stop trolling God.
Where the hay hay was the office of faith on this one.
Prophetic Warning: Entering an Explosive Window to Purim & an Intense March
March 3rd, 2025
REACTION: Files Released, March and a Civil War
February 28th, 2025
Prophetic Alert: Sharp Maneuvers and Rapid Change are about to Happen in the Earth
February 25th, 2025
A Fiery Word from The Lord: The Hamans Have Gone Out to Hunt
February 20th, 2025
A Pivotal Season of Reformation in the Government and the Church
February 17th, 2025
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I felt such a heaviness today. The media is hyped up spreading lies as to what President Trump is doing to Social Security and the Food Programs. It has got people in a great upheavel/turmoil. It's creating FEAR , BIG TIME. I am surrounded daily with negative people and thise who Hate President Trump, Elon and the entire administration. They are listening to the nay-sayers and believe the lies. Anything CONSERVATIVE in the media is at a whisper, if that.
I am disturbed that you called President Trump a baby Christian. How dare you!
Please post or send me an email of the prayer Amanda prayed at the end of this post. It has everything we need to pray. So hard to keep everything in mind to pray.Thank you.
On February 14, there was a fiery multi-vehicle crash in the Green River highway tunnel in Wyoming--26 vehicles, five serious injuries, three fatalities. The Green River tunnel carries I-80, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway.
nOn February 28, a school bus for Monticello Middle School caught fire in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. All 15 students and the driver are unharmed.
You mentioned Artificial Intelligence above, and the competition among those who are trying to put it together. Your words were, “they're all trying to build Babel.” That really resonated with me, because in our neighborhood Bible study group, I am taking us through the book of Daniel right now, and we are looking at the history of Babylon, which started with the Tower of Babel built by Nimrod. Nimrod was a “mighty hunter” who also built other cities like Nineveh. We looked at a picture of the Tower of Babel and talked about its purpose, to reach up to heaven to be like God, and how the spirit of Babylon is still the same today. I mentioned your word to them, about watching DOGE and Elon, and that DOGE spelled backwards is e-God. You really opened my eyes about today’s events and how similar they are to the birth of Babylon and its purpose, to be like God while being created by man. Thank you for your diligence in sharing God’s Word, Amanda.
Amen Amanda amen. Beautiful. Thank you again for the call to be on high alert for the protection of our President. Will cover the back door of White House and East lawn by the blood as well as President and his family by the blood of Jesus. It struck me Zelensky never said he wanted peace only American money….May every root of darkness be uncovered, removed destroyed from this nation.amen.
I read this post thinking tht it was written by Amanda Grace. It sounds like Amanda Grace. Then I discovered that it was written/posted by Amy Hathcock. Who is Amy Hathcock?
I too would like to you to print the ending prayer Amanda gave so I could pray it alone. Thank you.