Word from the Lord 2.21.24--Live Broadcast (A Prophetic Revelation: The Georgia Court Case Implosion, Two Presidents & a Connection to WWII)
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, I am God there is no other I am the Lion of Judah says the Lord–I am the one that Roars–I am the one that rules over all rebellion for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, they think says the Lord–they can outsmart–they think they can outwit–they think they can outdo the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who sits on the highest throne–who has the highest courts–who weighs the matters of men says the Lord and those judgments go into the earth.
And says the Lord of Hosts, the scales; the scale says the Lord that's it in my courts that weigh the matters of men on this earth–the matters and the words and the deeds of men, and the blood of men and the words of men and the greed and the lusts of the flesh of men have been put on My scales says the Lord. They have been weighed, says the Lord, and I laugh at the wicked, says the Lord, I hold them in derision, says the Lord why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? I the Lord thy God shall hold them in derision, says the Lord. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN you have been weighed says the Lord and found wanting–you have been weighed and found wanting and now your kingdom says the Lord shall be divided your kingdoms–your kingdoms that you have built upon sand–upon lies–upon deception–upon blasphemy says the Lord. Those kingdoms that you have built upon such in this hour the orders have been given says the Lord I have written it on a scroll says the Lord–I have handed it says the Lord to the captain of the army of the Lord of Hosts and that scrolling judgment shall be taken into the earth and in this hour those kingdoms of men that men's hands have built for themselves to make a name for themselves to make a mighty name before the Lord for themselves to make and mighty name before The Great I Am for there is no other–those kingdoms in this hour, says the Lord shall begin to be torn down.
And thus says the Lord, I am making an announcement says the Lord I am calling to My children get your houses in order–get yourselves in order–humble yourselves before Me, for I am your Shepherd and those wayward rams that have taken that have taken the lot in My Church–that have taken the lot in My House those wayward Shepherds those rebellious rams that what a challenge the Word– in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God in the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. They want to challenge the Word–they want to back up says the Lord and challenge it and challenge the sanctity of it and challenge the holiness of it and rewrite it says the Lord and rewrite it to feed a greedy generation says the Lord–rewrite it to feed those who in this hour want to cherry pick from the religions of the world that are fallible says the Lord that are man-made that are dedicated to devils and demons in the ancient of this those that want to do this says the Lord,and cherry pick this in order for clout–in order for reach–in order to make a name for themselves–I the Lord thy God shall lift their skirts–I shall lift their pants–I shall lift their lives–I shall lift what they have hidden above their heads and expose their nakedness in all their fullness for they took what I blessed them with–what I the Lord have blessed them with–it is my good pleasure to bless those says the Lord who obey Me, but they took what I blessed them with and they fed it into doctrines of devils–they fed it into those that have covenants–dark dangerous covenants with other nations–that have covenants with Hindu gods–that have covenants with those of the Black Panthers–that spirit is still alive says the Lord–that spirit is still influencing says the Lord–that fed it says the Lord to those of sorceries and those in the medical arena and they fed it to them and they came into agreement with, it and says the Lord of Hosts–judgement begins in the House of the Lord thy God and I the Lord shall and will bring My House into order in order to bring this nation into order says the Lord for this nation has gone wayward–this nation has done every detestable thing–the United States America the Eagle and Israel its brother–the branches of its government that reach across the oceans and clings to forums–and clings to Geneva–and clings to Saudi Arabia–and clings to Russia–and clings to the cartels in South America and Mexico, and clings to those countries where atheism rules they have taken those branches like vines in intertwined and says the Lord of Hosts–I in this season, shall prune those branches–I shall cut them back–I shall split them down to the hallow says the Lord and I will begin to deal with the governments of nations–it shall take its toll for this is the season of pruning, and I shall prune this back in this season says the Lord and I shall take those vines, and I shall untangle them says the Lord and I shall destroy them says the Lord–I shall send them into the fire says the Lord thy God this day for these branches–these diseased branches must be severed says the Lord for the disease has spread from the carriers from the carriers that have gone through your nation to corrupt it at its roots and I am flushing out those roots says the Lord–I am flushing out the toxic soil that they have allowed their filth and their words and their deeds to seep into for this nation must be humbled–it must be humbled and brought low says the Lord–it must be to be raised up and restored and those in leadership says the Lord who truly want to lead for Me–who truly want to bear the yoke of the presidency of the United States of America–of the Prime Ministership in Israel–you will humble yourselves before Me–you will put in My Altar says the Lord your wealth and your company's and your desires–you shall lay it at My Altar and you shall allow the Lord to decide what becomes of it, for if you lay it in My Altar and you humble yourself low in this hour–you do not boast–you do not act prideful–you do not cherry pick–you do not make fun–you do not antagonize, but if you humble yourselves low and put on the yolk– I the Lord who am bound by My Word, shall restore it greater than you had it before for those that have attempted to take the wealth of others and steal it–those that have attempted to destroy it for them to build a mountain for themselves to stand upon and look out upon the nation– I the Lord bring the mountains low and I shall shake that mountain says the Lord, and I shall bring it low and I shall shake New York says the Lord–I shall shake it–I shall shake it in every branch says the Lord and I shall shake the leaves and the
decay and the bad fruit–the rotten fruit filled with maggots–the wormwood that has gone through the state, I shall shake it says the Lord, and I shall bring it down low and I says the Lord, will raise up leadership in New York–I says the Lord, will raise up leadership in Michigan–I says the Lord will raise up leadership in California–I shall raise up leadership in Alaska says the Lord–I shall raise up leadership in New Jersey says the Lord–I shall raise up leadership in Georgia that knows My name and here's my voice says the Lord. My Sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow and I shall raise it up in this season and I shall bring them up the ranks and I shall make a way where those in Congress–where those in the states–where Governors were protagonists–where political pundits said there was no way–I the Lord thy God shall make a way and, I the Lord thy God am the Spirit of Truth, worship Me in Spirit and in Truth–I the Lord as you come humbly unto Me shall go before you win this fight–I the Lord shall protect those they are trying to destroy–I the Lord shall get a hold of their mouths and the Holy Spirit will speak forth out of the mouths of those that once boasted–of those that want to antagonize–those that may be mocked says the Lord–The Holy Spirit will get a hold of their tongue and their mouth and He shall come forth out of it. This shall be a season of prayer and of humility says the Lord and of coming before Me and knowing My voice
and knowing the instructions I have given you–I stand before you with an open door says the Lord you will walk through it those of you I have positioned you will walk through a door in this season that I have been preparing you your whole lives for, and that door now is unlocking and it shall open and you shall walk through it in faith–don't be weary in well doing–don’t worried about how you're going to do everything–for I the Lord see far ahead and I have already planned that out for the lives of My children–for it is My good pleasure to give onto them because obedience is better than sacrifice and I give unto you in great measure from My glory and for you to be a blessing for others and shine the light of God into the darkest situations and the darkness says the Lord, shall give way to the light for it has been spoken forth out of my mouth this day and sent forth, and the darkness cannot continue to try to suffocate the light for the darkness must humble itself and give way to the light and retreat, and it shall do that in this season believe in Me–trust in Me says the Lord–I love My children with an everlasting love–I speak unto you this day because I love My children with an endless love–with a love that knows no bounds as far as the East is from the West–My love for My children encompasses that and I shall bring you one to my wings in this season–you shall take refuge under my wings–My truth shall be your shield and buckler as you go forth and bear the standard your Father has placed upon you and you shall do it in excellence you shall run the race of excellence–you shall consume the meat–you shall teach the meat–you shall strengthen those up that have been given sour milk and sour wine for far too long in order for the interest of those giving it to be further–you shall be weaned and you shall receive the meat in this season and it shall strengthen you and you shall have growth spurts and growing pains as you learn to handle the greater that I your Lord and your Father and giving unto you this day so praise Me–Praise My name glorify My name–death and life are in the power of the tongue says the Lord–speak life over what you've been given. Speak life that it grows because fruit is coming into bloom this season and it shall be a bumper crop if you truly trust in Me and trust what I have told you this day–cleave unto it and cleave to My Word as I the Lord go forth and accomplish it in the nation and in your lives. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, they think says the Lord–they can outsmart–they think they can outwit–they think they can outdo the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who sits on the highest throne–who has the highest courts–who weighs the matters of men says the Lord and those judgments go into the earth.
And says the Lord of Hosts, the scales; the scale says the Lord that's it in my courts that weigh the matters of men on this earth–the matters and the words and the deeds of men, and the blood of men and the words of men and the greed and the lusts of the flesh of men have been put on My scales says the Lord. They have been weighed, says the Lord, and I laugh at the wicked, says the Lord, I hold them in derision, says the Lord why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? I the Lord thy God shall hold them in derision, says the Lord. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN you have been weighed says the Lord and found wanting–you have been weighed and found wanting and now your kingdom says the Lord shall be divided your kingdoms–your kingdoms that you have built upon sand–upon lies–upon deception–upon blasphemy says the Lord. Those kingdoms that you have built upon such in this hour the orders have been given says the Lord I have written it on a scroll says the Lord–I have handed it says the Lord to the captain of the army of the Lord of Hosts and that scrolling judgment shall be taken into the earth and in this hour those kingdoms of men that men's hands have built for themselves to make a name for themselves to make a mighty name before the Lord for themselves to make and mighty name before The Great I Am for there is no other–those kingdoms in this hour, says the Lord shall begin to be torn down.
And thus says the Lord, I am making an announcement says the Lord I am calling to My children get your houses in order–get yourselves in order–humble yourselves before Me, for I am your Shepherd and those wayward rams that have taken that have taken the lot in My Church–that have taken the lot in My House those wayward Shepherds those rebellious rams that what a challenge the Word– in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God in the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. They want to challenge the Word–they want to back up says the Lord and challenge it and challenge the sanctity of it and challenge the holiness of it and rewrite it says the Lord and rewrite it to feed a greedy generation says the Lord–rewrite it to feed those who in this hour want to cherry pick from the religions of the world that are fallible says the Lord that are man-made that are dedicated to devils and demons in the ancient of this those that want to do this says the Lord,and cherry pick this in order for clout–in order for reach–in order to make a name for themselves–I the Lord thy God shall lift their skirts–I shall lift their pants–I shall lift their lives–I shall lift what they have hidden above their heads and expose their nakedness in all their fullness for they took what I blessed them with–what I the Lord have blessed them with–it is my good pleasure to bless those says the Lord who obey Me, but they took what I blessed them with and they fed it into doctrines of devils–they fed it into those that have covenants–dark dangerous covenants with other nations–that have covenants with Hindu gods–that have covenants with those of the Black Panthers–that spirit is still alive says the Lord–that spirit is still influencing says the Lord–that fed it says the Lord to those of sorceries and those in the medical arena and they fed it to them and they came into agreement with, it and says the Lord of Hosts–judgement begins in the House of the Lord thy God and I the Lord shall and will bring My House into order in order to bring this nation into order says the Lord for this nation has gone wayward–this nation has done every detestable thing–the United States America the Eagle and Israel its brother–the branches of its government that reach across the oceans and clings to forums–and clings to Geneva–and clings to Saudi Arabia–and clings to Russia–and clings to the cartels in South America and Mexico, and clings to those countries where atheism rules they have taken those branches like vines in intertwined and says the Lord of Hosts–I in this season, shall prune those branches–I shall cut them back–I shall split them down to the hallow says the Lord and I will begin to deal with the governments of nations–it shall take its toll for this is the season of pruning, and I shall prune this back in this season says the Lord and I shall take those vines, and I shall untangle them says the Lord and I shall destroy them says the Lord–I shall send them into the fire says the Lord thy God this day for these branches–these diseased branches must be severed says the Lord for the disease has spread from the carriers from the carriers that have gone through your nation to corrupt it at its roots and I am flushing out those roots says the Lord–I am flushing out the toxic soil that they have allowed their filth and their words and their deeds to seep into for this nation must be humbled–it must be humbled and brought low says the Lord–it must be to be raised up and restored and those in leadership says the Lord who truly want to lead for Me–who truly want to bear the yoke of the presidency of the United States of America–of the Prime Ministership in Israel–you will humble yourselves before Me–you will put in My Altar says the Lord your wealth and your company's and your desires–you shall lay it at My Altar and you shall allow the Lord to decide what becomes of it, for if you lay it in My Altar and you humble yourself low in this hour–you do not boast–you do not act prideful–you do not cherry pick–you do not make fun–you do not antagonize, but if you humble yourselves low and put on the yolk– I the Lord who am bound by My Word, shall restore it greater than you had it before for those that have attempted to take the wealth of others and steal it–those that have attempted to destroy it for them to build a mountain for themselves to stand upon and look out upon the nation– I the Lord bring the mountains low and I shall shake that mountain says the Lord, and I shall bring it low and I shall shake New York says the Lord–I shall shake it–I shall shake it in every branch says the Lord and I shall shake the leaves and the
decay and the bad fruit–the rotten fruit filled with maggots–the wormwood that has gone through the state, I shall shake it says the Lord, and I shall bring it down low and I says the Lord, will raise up leadership in New York–I says the Lord, will raise up leadership in Michigan–I says the Lord will raise up leadership in California–I shall raise up leadership in Alaska says the Lord–I shall raise up leadership in New Jersey says the Lord–I shall raise up leadership in Georgia that knows My name and here's my voice says the Lord. My Sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow and I shall raise it up in this season and I shall bring them up the ranks and I shall make a way where those in Congress–where those in the states–where Governors were protagonists–where political pundits said there was no way–I the Lord thy God shall make a way and, I the Lord thy God am the Spirit of Truth, worship Me in Spirit and in Truth–I the Lord as you come humbly unto Me shall go before you win this fight–I the Lord shall protect those they are trying to destroy–I the Lord shall get a hold of their mouths and the Holy Spirit will speak forth out of the mouths of those that once boasted–of those that want to antagonize–those that may be mocked says the Lord–The Holy Spirit will get a hold of their tongue and their mouth and He shall come forth out of it. This shall be a season of prayer and of humility says the Lord and of coming before Me and knowing My voice
and knowing the instructions I have given you–I stand before you with an open door says the Lord you will walk through it those of you I have positioned you will walk through a door in this season that I have been preparing you your whole lives for, and that door now is unlocking and it shall open and you shall walk through it in faith–don't be weary in well doing–don’t worried about how you're going to do everything–for I the Lord see far ahead and I have already planned that out for the lives of My children–for it is My good pleasure to give onto them because obedience is better than sacrifice and I give unto you in great measure from My glory and for you to be a blessing for others and shine the light of God into the darkest situations and the darkness says the Lord, shall give way to the light for it has been spoken forth out of my mouth this day and sent forth, and the darkness cannot continue to try to suffocate the light for the darkness must humble itself and give way to the light and retreat, and it shall do that in this season believe in Me–trust in Me says the Lord–I love My children with an everlasting love–I speak unto you this day because I love My children with an endless love–with a love that knows no bounds as far as the East is from the West–My love for My children encompasses that and I shall bring you one to my wings in this season–you shall take refuge under my wings–My truth shall be your shield and buckler as you go forth and bear the standard your Father has placed upon you and you shall do it in excellence you shall run the race of excellence–you shall consume the meat–you shall teach the meat–you shall strengthen those up that have been given sour milk and sour wine for far too long in order for the interest of those giving it to be further–you shall be weaned and you shall receive the meat in this season and it shall strengthen you and you shall have growth spurts and growing pains as you learn to handle the greater that I your Lord and your Father and giving unto you this day so praise Me–Praise My name glorify My name–death and life are in the power of the tongue says the Lord–speak life over what you've been given. Speak life that it grows because fruit is coming into bloom this season and it shall be a bumper crop if you truly trust in Me and trust what I have told you this day–cleave unto it and cleave to My Word as I the Lord go forth and accomplish it in the nation and in your lives. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
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I would like if possible to type how Amanda says this is in all caps. I would like to see what God I'd strongly saying.
What a strong Word from the Lord of Host Who fights our battles, take the authority that the Father has given us and use it against the enemy that is in our nation and state to cleanse the land and bring the Kingdom of God back to our nation and the World. Prepare your family and examine yourselves to be prepared to do Gods will for the new nation coming. Stay close to Him and He will protect you because He loves you and fights your battles. Amen and Amen.
Stand on the Rock that is unmovable and called down the enemies that come against us because they have lost already children of God.
I bet you felt that. It was so powerful I had to subscribe to your newsletter to be able to read the rest of your words given by the Lord. I belong to a prayer group in New Hampshire that is doing prayer coverage for all that's going on. This will be helpful for us.
Love seeing all your animals! I've had many of them myself, and they are, like, such a relief from people sometimes. No wonder God made them; they don't give Him near as much trouble!
Father God in the name of Jesus I recieve ur word Lord God be it unto to oh God I will trust u Lord God I will humble myself before u oh Lord my God I believe ur word Father I believe
A most powerful message, thank you for sharing and giving us an opportunity to bring us to 2.chronicles 7:14 the full reality of what was coming is certainly a wake- up call, to take full inventory of way our heart & mind has been hibernating for the last couple of months and perhaps years being Luke warm disobedient now is not the time for hiding in Silence. Come before God with a Penitent Heart.