An Urgent Prophetic Parallel: The Saul, Jonathan, David, and Athaliah Paradigm and Daystar Connection the Daystar Connection
An Urgent Prophetic Parallel: The Saul, Jonathan, David, and Athaliah Paradigm and the Daystar Connection.
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There is a parallel running in this nation, what is happening in the political world is happening in the church because at the root the Lord is dealing with the same issue, at its root it is the same issue though it presents a bit different.
We just witnessed a Saul David paradigm happen in the political arena with President Trump and the parallels, Saul trying to kill David, using a physical weapon, going to David’s house to try and kill him.
There is a parallel between the political arena and the Church right now. The Saul Jonathan David paradigm and the Athaliah heir paradigm are happening in the Church and have erupted right after we saw them play out in the political arena.
The reason I know this is because, in my living room, the Lord stopped me and asked me a question… “Who is the name of the man that has come forth out of Daystar in opposition?” JONATHAN
Jonathan was Saul’s son, who opposed him when he saw that Saul was going down a treacherous road and opposing the plans of the Lord. Jonathan understood the plans and purposes of the Lord at that moment, and Jonathan wanted to protect David, whom the Lord had anointed to lead. Jonathan opposed his parent, Saul, and Saul called him “THE SON OF A REBELLIOUS WOMAN.”
We will get to Athaliah in a moment but I want to read to you this passage from 1 Samuel 20.
1 Samuel 20:24-42
24 So David hid in the field; and when the New Moon [festival] came, the king sat down to eat food. 25 The king sat on his seat as on previous occasions, on his seat by the wall; then Jonathan stood up, and Abner [his commander] sat down by Saul’s side, but David’s place was empty. 26 Yet Saul did not say anything that day, for he thought, “It is an incident [of some kind] and [m]he is not [ceremonially] clean—surely he is unclean.” 27 But on the next day, the second day of the new moon, David’s place was empty [again]; and Saul said to Jonathan his son, “Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal, either yesterday or today?” 28 Jonathan answered Saul, “David earnestly asked me for permission to go to Bethlehem. 29 He said, ‘Please let me go because our family is holding a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to attend. Now, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me slip away so that I may see my brothers.’ That is why he has not come to the king’s table.”
Saul Is Angry with Jonathan
30 Then Saul’s anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him, “You son of a [n]wayward, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse [over me] to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? 31 For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you [as heir to the throne] nor your kingdom will be established. So now, send [someone] and bring him to me, for he [o]must die.” 32 Jonathan answered Saul his father, “Why must he be put to death? What has he done?” 33 Then Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him down, so Jonathan knew [without any doubt] that his father had decided to put David to death. 34 Then Jonathan stood up from the table in the heat of anger, and ate no food on that second day of the new moon (month), for he grieved and worried about David because his father had dishonored him.
35 In the morning Jonathan went out to the field for the meeting with David, and a young boy was with him. 36 And he said to his boy, “Run, please find the arrows which I am about to shoot.” As the boy ran, he shot an arrow past him. 37 When the boy came to the place where Jonathan had shot the arrow, Jonathan called to him, “Is the arrow not beyond you?” 38 And Jonathan called out after the boy, “Hurry, be quick, do not stay!” So Jonathan’s boy picked up the arrow and came back to his master. 39 But the boy was not aware of anything; only Jonathan and David knew about the matter. 40 Jonathan gave his weapons to his boy and said to him, “Go, take them to the city.” 41 As soon as the boy was gone, David got up from the south side [beside the mound of stones] and fell on his face to the ground [in submission and respect], and bowed three times. Then they kissed one another and wept together, but David wept more. 42 Jonathan told David, “Go [p]in safety, inasmuch as we have sworn to each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and yours forever.’” [q]Then he stood and left, while Jonathan went into the city.
You see Saul starts off on the right track, noble, humble, willing to obey, and serving the Lord, however Saul have a character flaw in them if not dealt with becomes an abuse of power and deceives them into believing they can by force demand what they want, remove who they want, Saul’s normally have someone in their ear who is profiting off of them validating the very deceptions that caused a chain of events to the confrontation with Samuel the prophet and the Kingdom being torn away from Saul.
Saul attempted to harm his own son--Saul attempted to harm David--he launched a smear campaign, upended the Kingdom, and pursued David like a dog.
Athaliah was a relative of Jezebel.
Jezebel, Athaliah, and Saul have in common they want to destroy whom God has anointed, they rebel against the plans of the Lord, and they are willing to use force and intimidation to maintain CONTROL.
Athaliah and Saul are influenced by the same spirit working through the opposite sex. Both want to destroy heirs to the Kingdom, both are willing to use forth to maintain CONTROL, and both are willing to utilize fear as a weapon to get their way.
2 Kings 11:1-3
When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah [king of Judah] saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal offspring. 2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram [of Judah and half] sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and abducted him from among the king’s sons who were to be killed, and hid him and his nurse in the [a]bedroom. So they hid him from Athaliah, and he was not put to death. 3 Joash was hidden with his nurse in the house (temple) of the Lord for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.
Ahaziah was the son of Athaliah, he was also THE LEADER OF THE KINGDOM.
And when Athaliah saw that her son was dead SHE AROSE AND DESTROYED ALL OF THE ROYAL OFFSPRING.
WHO just suddenly passed away 3 years back? Marcus Lamb
Now, I am not calling Joni Lamb Athaliah--I am simply showing you a prophetic pattern that there is a spirit an ancient spirit at play here that is showing itself in a more modern way.
NOW, in this, there is an Abner as well--Saul’s right-hand man, the muscle, the enforcer.
2 Samuel 3:1
There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David; but David grew steadily stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker [to the point of being powerless].
2 Samuel 3:6-10
6 Now while war continued between the houses of Saul and David, Abner was proving himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a [a]concubine whose name was Rizpah the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, [b]“Why have you gone in to my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry at the words of Ish-bosheth, and he said, “Am I a dog’s head [a despicable traitor] that belongs to Judah? [c]Today I show loyalty and kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and his friends, by not having you handed over to David; and yet you charge me today with guilt concerning this woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if I do not do for David just as the Lord has sworn to him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul, and establish the throne of David over Israel and Judah from Dan [in the north] to Beersheba [in the south].”
2 Samuel 3:12
12 Then Abner sent messengers to David [who was] in his place [at Hebron], saying, “Whose is the land? Make your covenant (treaty) with me, and behold, my hand shall be with you to bring all Israel over to you.”
So Abner Strengthens himself in the house of Saul and then TURNS on the house of Saul when Saul’s other son accuses him of doing something considered to be vile, Abner IMMEDIATELY after all that backing of Saul turns and seeks to make a treaty with David because Abner sees the writing on the wall here he is looking to bail before the whole kingdom he strengthened himself in crumbles.
Abner in this case is Jimmy Evans….he strengthened himself in the house of Saul a lot.
Someone is going to do a 180 here in this whole mess and it is a mess.
I'm also going to say this if your spouse suddenly dies and you very quickly move on to dating another man and marry a year later forcing your children to accept it is only going to help the root of bitterness, hurt, and resentment grow like a ragweed.
If you truly believe the Lord brought the two of you together, if you truly believe that then, that is for the Lord to deal with your children on the matter it is not for you to browbeat them into accepting your new husband when they are still getting over the tragic loss of their father.
The Lord said...“Don’t” hold an interview with Joni.
The book is called Through the Storm.
Through is defined as in the midst of like in the middle of so that book was poor timing for sure because you are still in the midst of the storm you are not out of the Storm.
And the only one who can correct this is Almighty God IF--and only IF--there is repentance and submission to doing things HIS WAY.
Dream 11.28.24
Interview Daystar? Jonathan Lamb there and I here... "He does a lot with Macabello (Montebello) farm horse racing out of Boston (Suffolk downs--Boston Massachusetts) (Suffolk means the people of the south) (Daystar is in Texas) (horse racing is gambling, betting odds on what one picked comes out the winner)
It seemed to be a group interview. The man to my right with blond hair grabbed my hand to pray. He was fervent about praying in front of Jonathan to convince him he wanted the position.
Jonathan says, “The salary was made around the feasts.”
Jonathan had a paper he was holding up in his hand which contained information on the position.
Watch Here:
There is a parallel running in this nation, what is happening in the political world is happening in the church because at the root the Lord is dealing with the same issue, at its root it is the same issue though it presents a bit different.
We just witnessed a Saul David paradigm happen in the political arena with President Trump and the parallels, Saul trying to kill David, using a physical weapon, going to David’s house to try and kill him.
There is a parallel between the political arena and the Church right now. The Saul Jonathan David paradigm and the Athaliah heir paradigm are happening in the Church and have erupted right after we saw them play out in the political arena.
The reason I know this is because, in my living room, the Lord stopped me and asked me a question… “Who is the name of the man that has come forth out of Daystar in opposition?” JONATHAN
Jonathan was Saul’s son, who opposed him when he saw that Saul was going down a treacherous road and opposing the plans of the Lord. Jonathan understood the plans and purposes of the Lord at that moment, and Jonathan wanted to protect David, whom the Lord had anointed to lead. Jonathan opposed his parent, Saul, and Saul called him “THE SON OF A REBELLIOUS WOMAN.”
We will get to Athaliah in a moment but I want to read to you this passage from 1 Samuel 20.
1 Samuel 20:24-42
24 So David hid in the field; and when the New Moon [festival] came, the king sat down to eat food. 25 The king sat on his seat as on previous occasions, on his seat by the wall; then Jonathan stood up, and Abner [his commander] sat down by Saul’s side, but David’s place was empty. 26 Yet Saul did not say anything that day, for he thought, “It is an incident [of some kind] and [m]he is not [ceremonially] clean—surely he is unclean.” 27 But on the next day, the second day of the new moon, David’s place was empty [again]; and Saul said to Jonathan his son, “Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal, either yesterday or today?” 28 Jonathan answered Saul, “David earnestly asked me for permission to go to Bethlehem. 29 He said, ‘Please let me go because our family is holding a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to attend. Now, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me slip away so that I may see my brothers.’ That is why he has not come to the king’s table.”
Saul Is Angry with Jonathan
30 Then Saul’s anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him, “You son of a [n]wayward, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse [over me] to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? 31 For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you [as heir to the throne] nor your kingdom will be established. So now, send [someone] and bring him to me, for he [o]must die.” 32 Jonathan answered Saul his father, “Why must he be put to death? What has he done?” 33 Then Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him down, so Jonathan knew [without any doubt] that his father had decided to put David to death. 34 Then Jonathan stood up from the table in the heat of anger, and ate no food on that second day of the new moon (month), for he grieved and worried about David because his father had dishonored him.
35 In the morning Jonathan went out to the field for the meeting with David, and a young boy was with him. 36 And he said to his boy, “Run, please find the arrows which I am about to shoot.” As the boy ran, he shot an arrow past him. 37 When the boy came to the place where Jonathan had shot the arrow, Jonathan called to him, “Is the arrow not beyond you?” 38 And Jonathan called out after the boy, “Hurry, be quick, do not stay!” So Jonathan’s boy picked up the arrow and came back to his master. 39 But the boy was not aware of anything; only Jonathan and David knew about the matter. 40 Jonathan gave his weapons to his boy and said to him, “Go, take them to the city.” 41 As soon as the boy was gone, David got up from the south side [beside the mound of stones] and fell on his face to the ground [in submission and respect], and bowed three times. Then they kissed one another and wept together, but David wept more. 42 Jonathan told David, “Go [p]in safety, inasmuch as we have sworn to each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and yours forever.’” [q]Then he stood and left, while Jonathan went into the city.
You see Saul starts off on the right track, noble, humble, willing to obey, and serving the Lord, however Saul have a character flaw in them if not dealt with becomes an abuse of power and deceives them into believing they can by force demand what they want, remove who they want, Saul’s normally have someone in their ear who is profiting off of them validating the very deceptions that caused a chain of events to the confrontation with Samuel the prophet and the Kingdom being torn away from Saul.
Saul attempted to harm his own son--Saul attempted to harm David--he launched a smear campaign, upended the Kingdom, and pursued David like a dog.
Athaliah was a relative of Jezebel.
Jezebel, Athaliah, and Saul have in common they want to destroy whom God has anointed, they rebel against the plans of the Lord, and they are willing to use force and intimidation to maintain CONTROL.
Athaliah and Saul are influenced by the same spirit working through the opposite sex. Both want to destroy heirs to the Kingdom, both are willing to use forth to maintain CONTROL, and both are willing to utilize fear as a weapon to get their way.
2 Kings 11:1-3
When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah [king of Judah] saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal offspring. 2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram [of Judah and half] sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah and abducted him from among the king’s sons who were to be killed, and hid him and his nurse in the [a]bedroom. So they hid him from Athaliah, and he was not put to death. 3 Joash was hidden with his nurse in the house (temple) of the Lord for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.
Ahaziah was the son of Athaliah, he was also THE LEADER OF THE KINGDOM.
And when Athaliah saw that her son was dead SHE AROSE AND DESTROYED ALL OF THE ROYAL OFFSPRING.
WHO just suddenly passed away 3 years back? Marcus Lamb
Now, I am not calling Joni Lamb Athaliah--I am simply showing you a prophetic pattern that there is a spirit an ancient spirit at play here that is showing itself in a more modern way.
NOW, in this, there is an Abner as well--Saul’s right-hand man, the muscle, the enforcer.
2 Samuel 3:1
There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David; but David grew steadily stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker [to the point of being powerless].
2 Samuel 3:6-10
6 Now while war continued between the houses of Saul and David, Abner was proving himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a [a]concubine whose name was Rizpah the daughter of Aiah; and Ish-bosheth said to Abner, [b]“Why have you gone in to my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry at the words of Ish-bosheth, and he said, “Am I a dog’s head [a despicable traitor] that belongs to Judah? [c]Today I show loyalty and kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and his friends, by not having you handed over to David; and yet you charge me today with guilt concerning this woman. 9 May God do so to Abner, and more also, if I do not do for David just as the Lord has sworn to him, 10 to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul, and establish the throne of David over Israel and Judah from Dan [in the north] to Beersheba [in the south].”
2 Samuel 3:12
12 Then Abner sent messengers to David [who was] in his place [at Hebron], saying, “Whose is the land? Make your covenant (treaty) with me, and behold, my hand shall be with you to bring all Israel over to you.”
So Abner Strengthens himself in the house of Saul and then TURNS on the house of Saul when Saul’s other son accuses him of doing something considered to be vile, Abner IMMEDIATELY after all that backing of Saul turns and seeks to make a treaty with David because Abner sees the writing on the wall here he is looking to bail before the whole kingdom he strengthened himself in crumbles.
Abner in this case is Jimmy Evans….he strengthened himself in the house of Saul a lot.
Someone is going to do a 180 here in this whole mess and it is a mess.
I'm also going to say this if your spouse suddenly dies and you very quickly move on to dating another man and marry a year later forcing your children to accept it is only going to help the root of bitterness, hurt, and resentment grow like a ragweed.
If you truly believe the Lord brought the two of you together, if you truly believe that then, that is for the Lord to deal with your children on the matter it is not for you to browbeat them into accepting your new husband when they are still getting over the tragic loss of their father.
The Lord said...“Don’t” hold an interview with Joni.
The book is called Through the Storm.
Through is defined as in the midst of like in the middle of so that book was poor timing for sure because you are still in the midst of the storm you are not out of the Storm.
And the only one who can correct this is Almighty God IF--and only IF--there is repentance and submission to doing things HIS WAY.
Dream 11.28.24
Interview Daystar? Jonathan Lamb there and I here... "He does a lot with Macabello (Montebello) farm horse racing out of Boston (Suffolk downs--Boston Massachusetts) (Suffolk means the people of the south) (Daystar is in Texas) (horse racing is gambling, betting odds on what one picked comes out the winner)
It seemed to be a group interview. The man to my right with blond hair grabbed my hand to pray. He was fervent about praying in front of Jonathan to convince him he wanted the position.
Jonathan says, “The salary was made around the feasts.”
Jonathan had a paper he was holding up in his hand which contained information on the position.
Posted in Prophecy Fulfilling and Prophetic Insight
Posted in Daystar, Joni Lamb, Marcus Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Jonathan and Suzy Lamb, Saul, David, church, the church, church leadership, government, politics, political arena, Athaliah
Posted in Daystar, Joni Lamb, Marcus Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Jonathan and Suzy Lamb, Saul, David, church, the church, church leadership, government, politics, political arena, Athaliah
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Can you say gossip? I believe there’s a commandment about that. Showing what you said previously about the church was valid and asking for prayers was valid but then you descended into gossip and I started to cringe and had to stop listening to you. You have not experienced your husband dying and judgment is not your thing and it was unnecessary for you to go that far. I say this with love in my heart for you because I am fond of you but darling girl, you need to check yourself.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Annie: Forgot to tell you to watch Amanda’s YouTube video she explains it even better
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Perhaps you are without sin so you can cast the first stone. I, however, am a sinner and not worthy to judge what that family is going through. So I’m going to pray for them and the daystar channel that His will be done.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Annie: Forgot to tell you to watch Amanda’s YouTube video she explains it even better
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Annie: There’s more to this Daystar than what Amanda said. I too was shocked that Joni married so soon after Marcus died, it’s true what Amanda said about the children still grieving their father and having to accept a new husband. Jonathan is hurting and angry at the same time I’m sure he feels that his mom may give the new husband the position Jonathan feels belongs to him. I can understand that. I hope you see this not as gossip but as a prophetic insight.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Annie: Forgot to tell you to watch Amanda’s YouTube video she explains it even better
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Perhaps you are without sin so you can cast the first stone. I, however, am a sinner and not worthy to judge what that family is going through. So I’m going to pray for them and the daystar channel that His will be done.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Annie: Forgot to tell you to watch Amanda’s YouTube video she explains it even better
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
I’m not without sin and I haven’t cast any stone and I’m not judging them either. I just understand the prophetic insight that Amanda wrote. You have seen this differently than I have and that is ok you have your opinion and I have mine.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
With all due respect, I honestly didn’t know who Joni is or her connection to Daystar. I’ve seen her commercial but I’ve never given her any attention because she is not authentic. I honestly thought Amanda would be speaking to the huge problem of Robert Morris of, I believe, Gateway church who prided himself for being able to get most of the congregation to tithe and we find out that he sexually molested a child when he was twenty years old. How long was he on Daystar? Then there’s Bishop Jakes who dresses like a pimp in the red light district who was hanging out with P Diddy and goes to the Diddy freak offs. I would say those are monumental problems for Daystar and makes Joni’s love life inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. And we won’t even go into the Vatican, the communist pope, the Vatican banking scandals, sexual misconduct, pedophilia and gay priests. Not to mention the fact that we can’t go to church without a concealed carry or being spied upon by the FBI, or having a man dressed like a woman sitting next to me or gay pride shoved down our throats. Yes, “the church” has problems. Huge problems! And whether or not Joni remarried too soon is not. Maybe now you will understand where I’m coming from.
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
LOL…Annie, you just proceeded to gossip like crazy! So how could you throw that stone? Hypocrite
Kate, have a Merry Christmas! It makes me happy that I made you laugh out loud! Enjoy the season and restoration is coming!
Who among us has not gone through family drama? I think the point is how ancient demonic spirits are rising up as they have before…same M.O. and we all need to be careful not to let our flesh rise up and take over a difficult situation. Beware of offense the devils playground. What better way to ruin the season of celebrating Jesus’ birth. Help us all Holy Spirit to not give the devil ground. Let us all walk victorious in You Jesus, holding each other up for Your namesake thank You Jesus….I smell victory!
Janet you are right.
I hear you Janet but unfortunately for me I removed my rose colored glasses and all I currently smell is the stench of mendacity. But I am hopeful for the smell of victory because I know that when God wrote the beginning He also wrote the end and He will have His way.
Janet you are right.