A Prophetic Word Unmasking Secrets from the U.S., Canada, Russia, England, Disney & the World Market
All glory, honor, and praise be to the Highest on the throne—Almighty God. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies are new every morning. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all things, and His Kingdom knows no end.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day that the stones are being rolled away. The stones are being rolled away, says the Lord! What was buried in a tomb and thought to be lost shall now be found in this time, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, a civil war within the walls of the White House shall spill out. Panic has begun, and the scrub down has commenced. However, they may attempt to erase the memory; the memory has a backup that shall fall into the hands of committees. These committees shall unpack its contents and lay it bare. Their skirts shall be lifted above their heads, and their nakedness exposed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, shortages intended to control the people shall fail. Shortages and provocation meant to incite public aggression are their potion. Nevertheless, they have a very public issue with the face, in name only, of the highest seat in your land. Subterfuge, says the Lord, an act of subterfuge—a very public act to attempt removals—will be executed. Father and son shall attempt to betray each other; however, mother has already made a deal, says the Lord. The witch of Endor, says the Lord. Saul and the witch of Endor—similar patterns shall emerge in this time, for the Kingdom has already been torn away in the spirit, says the Lord. The kingdom has been torn away and given to another.
Thus says the Lord, this is the time to cast the thieves out from among you. There are six things the Lord hates; seven are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren. This shall be addressed in this time, says the Lord. For some of you, including ministries that should be for My purposes, have welcomed in thieves and lent them a listening ear. Judases, says the Lord, you have welcomed them, and you stand on the edge of the pit, says the Lord. You have believed a snake oil salesman and lies. You have left the spirit and operate from your flesh, forsaking my business for your merchants and tales of military might. And says the Lord, I am bringing a strong correction, causing a profound shake-up and shake-down. These Judases shall find themselves in empty fields with nothing, says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, I am bringing vindication to those discredited by those who have embraced darkness and deceit. Those who welcomed greed into their midst shall be vindicated, for my children who do my will and truly glorify my name shall not be discredited, says the Lord. The slander of those seeking personal gain and control shall fall to the ground.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, I, the Lord, am revisiting what you might call the 90s and early 2000s. I am resetting and correcting what was intentionally displaced. A wicked, corrupt, fleshly setup was orchestrated to create a façade for unrighteous exploits in other nations. The love of money, my children—not money itself, but the love and worship of money—is the root of all kinds of evil.
The secrets of Iraq and Baghdad are about to surface. The bricks have fallen, and attempts to defiantly rebuild have been made. However, the meetings that took place between former presidents, from both sides of the aisle, as well as vice presidents, shall come to light. Each has a connection that ties to the shell of a man known as president—a shell company. Another shall be found connected to another high up in the White House, says the Lord. Garlands shall be hung around the time a garland is completed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, Canada—oh, the cries that have reached my throne from Canada. I, the Lord, hear your cries. I see the cloak of darkness and the summoning of dark demons. I see the cloak shrouding the nation. However, that cloak is set to be torn. Removal shall happen differently, says the Lord. It shall be sudden and swift. The people shall have a window to rise up, tear that cloak, and take a firm stand in their faith and convictions. The bulldozer approaches to dismantle what corrupt families have built. The appointed time is rapidly approaching. The largest scandal to emerge from the government of Canada is nearly upon you. Even members of the cabinet shall turn. Watch around the holiest day of the year, for such events shall transpire. People of Canada, prepare to break your chains and open the cells for political prisoners. Unjustly incarcerated individuals shall be freed, as this shall occur.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, a Russian submarine—a Russian submarine—watch the maneuvers at sea that put those on high alert. The one intended to replace Putin has been groomed, far worse, with connections to Geneva. It's a creation of forums and secret organizations. Yes, there is an underbelly of secret organizations forming the foundation of these world forums. They have groomed this individual, not for Russia's liberation, but for its enslavement. Grooming Russia for nefarious purposes, including weaponization against whomever they desire. Putin stands in their way, but pray that their plans crumble and the groomed individual falls before reaching power.
For I, the Lord your God, am bringing forth a surprise from Ukraine. The world did not anticipate it. There shall be major changes within NATO. The landscape is shifting. Members of the European Union and their deals are causing shortages—power, water, food—all due to agreements that betray their people. These nations shall be revealed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, England shall find clarity in this hour. They shall emerge as a voice of reason amid confusion. A serious attempt on the prince's life shall throw their royal family into turmoil. An investigation shall ensue, causing even the parliament to question their practices.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, remember Joseph, who was imprisoned based on fabricated truths. He endured imprisonment for a season. Recall this, my children. At the appointed time, he was released and elevated to lead Egypt. He protected the land from famine. Remember this, for it has been spoken. Joseph performed remarkable feats in prison that paved the way for his eventual freedom and leadership.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, let the lions out, let the lions out, says the Lord. An unusual event involving a lion in South Africa shall serve as a sign. Lions shall emerge in Israel, and they shall emerge in America as a united, unyielding force—a fierce counsel of truth and righteousness. They shall no longer be seen as prey, for the mark they attempted to place on my people is now upon themselves, says the Lord.
For those who want to promote the perversion of DNA and genetics, that snake of perversion—those who wish to elevate it in this hour—shall indeed suffer disgrace. The agendas of those who advocate for these perversions shall face complete disgrace. Their voice shall be silenced; their monetary power shall suffer a severe blow. Their leadership shall crumble and fail. The advocates of these perversions are falling, says the Lord. The hauntings that Disney has attempted to invoke shall turn on them once more, says the Lord. Another blow to their holdings, networks, and executives shall indeed result in a complete downfall. You shall witness this in the current season, says the Lord.
And says the Lord of Hosts, the markets, including real estate, shall take an unusual turn. The major banks shall experience further losses in the upcoming quarters as the voices of the people grow louder and their rhetoric diminishes.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, take heart during this time of awe and tumult. Take courage, my children. Understand that these events are necessary to bring forth what your nation needs. For I, the Lord, shall supply all your needs. I shall provide for your nation what it requires, not what it merely wants. This, you shall witness, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ, who sits at MY right hand.
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day that the stones are being rolled away. The stones are being rolled away, says the Lord! What was buried in a tomb and thought to be lost shall now be found in this time, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord, a civil war within the walls of the White House shall spill out. Panic has begun, and the scrub down has commenced. However, they may attempt to erase the memory; the memory has a backup that shall fall into the hands of committees. These committees shall unpack its contents and lay it bare. Their skirts shall be lifted above their heads, and their nakedness exposed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, shortages intended to control the people shall fail. Shortages and provocation meant to incite public aggression are their potion. Nevertheless, they have a very public issue with the face, in name only, of the highest seat in your land. Subterfuge, says the Lord, an act of subterfuge—a very public act to attempt removals—will be executed. Father and son shall attempt to betray each other; however, mother has already made a deal, says the Lord. The witch of Endor, says the Lord. Saul and the witch of Endor—similar patterns shall emerge in this time, for the Kingdom has already been torn away in the spirit, says the Lord. The kingdom has been torn away and given to another.
Thus says the Lord, this is the time to cast the thieves out from among you. There are six things the Lord hates; seven are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren. This shall be addressed in this time, says the Lord. For some of you, including ministries that should be for My purposes, have welcomed in thieves and lent them a listening ear. Judases, says the Lord, you have welcomed them, and you stand on the edge of the pit, says the Lord. You have believed a snake oil salesman and lies. You have left the spirit and operate from your flesh, forsaking my business for your merchants and tales of military might. And says the Lord, I am bringing a strong correction, causing a profound shake-up and shake-down. These Judases shall find themselves in empty fields with nothing, says the Lord of Hosts.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, I am bringing vindication to those discredited by those who have embraced darkness and deceit. Those who welcomed greed into their midst shall be vindicated, for my children who do my will and truly glorify my name shall not be discredited, says the Lord. The slander of those seeking personal gain and control shall fall to the ground.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, I, the Lord, am revisiting what you might call the 90s and early 2000s. I am resetting and correcting what was intentionally displaced. A wicked, corrupt, fleshly setup was orchestrated to create a façade for unrighteous exploits in other nations. The love of money, my children—not money itself, but the love and worship of money—is the root of all kinds of evil.
The secrets of Iraq and Baghdad are about to surface. The bricks have fallen, and attempts to defiantly rebuild have been made. However, the meetings that took place between former presidents, from both sides of the aisle, as well as vice presidents, shall come to light. Each has a connection that ties to the shell of a man known as president—a shell company. Another shall be found connected to another high up in the White House, says the Lord. Garlands shall be hung around the time a garland is completed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, Canada—oh, the cries that have reached my throne from Canada. I, the Lord, hear your cries. I see the cloak of darkness and the summoning of dark demons. I see the cloak shrouding the nation. However, that cloak is set to be torn. Removal shall happen differently, says the Lord. It shall be sudden and swift. The people shall have a window to rise up, tear that cloak, and take a firm stand in their faith and convictions. The bulldozer approaches to dismantle what corrupt families have built. The appointed time is rapidly approaching. The largest scandal to emerge from the government of Canada is nearly upon you. Even members of the cabinet shall turn. Watch around the holiest day of the year, for such events shall transpire. People of Canada, prepare to break your chains and open the cells for political prisoners. Unjustly incarcerated individuals shall be freed, as this shall occur.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, a Russian submarine—a Russian submarine—watch the maneuvers at sea that put those on high alert. The one intended to replace Putin has been groomed, far worse, with connections to Geneva. It's a creation of forums and secret organizations. Yes, there is an underbelly of secret organizations forming the foundation of these world forums. They have groomed this individual, not for Russia's liberation, but for its enslavement. Grooming Russia for nefarious purposes, including weaponization against whomever they desire. Putin stands in their way, but pray that their plans crumble and the groomed individual falls before reaching power.
For I, the Lord your God, am bringing forth a surprise from Ukraine. The world did not anticipate it. There shall be major changes within NATO. The landscape is shifting. Members of the European Union and their deals are causing shortages—power, water, food—all due to agreements that betray their people. These nations shall be revealed.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, England shall find clarity in this hour. They shall emerge as a voice of reason amid confusion. A serious attempt on the prince's life shall throw their royal family into turmoil. An investigation shall ensue, causing even the parliament to question their practices.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, remember Joseph, who was imprisoned based on fabricated truths. He endured imprisonment for a season. Recall this, my children. At the appointed time, he was released and elevated to lead Egypt. He protected the land from famine. Remember this, for it has been spoken. Joseph performed remarkable feats in prison that paved the way for his eventual freedom and leadership.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, this day, let the lions out, let the lions out, says the Lord. An unusual event involving a lion in South Africa shall serve as a sign. Lions shall emerge in Israel, and they shall emerge in America as a united, unyielding force—a fierce counsel of truth and righteousness. They shall no longer be seen as prey, for the mark they attempted to place on my people is now upon themselves, says the Lord.
For those who want to promote the perversion of DNA and genetics, that snake of perversion—those who wish to elevate it in this hour—shall indeed suffer disgrace. The agendas of those who advocate for these perversions shall face complete disgrace. Their voice shall be silenced; their monetary power shall suffer a severe blow. Their leadership shall crumble and fail. The advocates of these perversions are falling, says the Lord. The hauntings that Disney has attempted to invoke shall turn on them once more, says the Lord. Another blow to their holdings, networks, and executives shall indeed result in a complete downfall. You shall witness this in the current season, says the Lord.
And says the Lord of Hosts, the markets, including real estate, shall take an unusual turn. The major banks shall experience further losses in the upcoming quarters as the voices of the people grow louder and their rhetoric diminishes.
And says the Spirit of the Lord, take heart during this time of awe and tumult. Take courage, my children. Understand that these events are necessary to bring forth what your nation needs. For I, the Lord, shall supply all your needs. I shall provide for your nation what it requires, not what it merely wants. This, you shall witness, says the Lord.
Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ, who sits at MY right hand.
Posted in Words from the Lord
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I just want to share a confirmation dream I had that ties in with the word "subterfuge" that Amanda spoke in this word. I had not seen this prophetic video until a few days after I had this dream. Aug. 8, I dreamt that I saw Donald J. T. (whom I've never dreamt about before, nor am obsessed with.) There were what appeared to be Secret service/FBI type protective agents around him as part of a trusted entourage who were guiding him hurriedly through a building with many rooms. I also saw what appeared to be like double agents, or secret service/FBI type agents who were pretending to be trusting, had the appearance so as to fool and get close to DJT;however, their leader of the armed group had assassination orders and their task was to assassinate by fooling him into coming with them. I could not see who was instructing their leader for such an order, but they were dressed and outfitted exactly the same as the good guys, also had ear pieces. I knew their leader was getting Intel through his earpiece to try to hunt him down and know his realtime whereabouts. It's like they were somehow surveiling him already or had inside information to know such information. There was an intensity to the dream like a life or death feeling, very quick paced and quick reaction time and decision making was required as it was dire/serious in nature. There was this active pursuit going on and a game of keep away to keep DJT safe. The dream ended and I never saw an outcome, just that there appeared to be a cat and mouse type chase ensuing. It was a very alarming and disturbing dream. I heard the word loudly, "subterfuge." It's a word I've never used before so had to look it up after I woke up. But I feel impressed to share this somehow, as I believe it's a call to pray for him, pray for those surrounding him who are trustworthy and not double agents with nefarious schemes. Please pray for him, his family and all who are surrounding him for protection and for them to have wisdom, discretion, revelation of any plot to harm and spiritual discernment to see through any lying spirit. I felt the most important discernment and wisdom needs to be with DJT so he himself knows through the Holy Spirit whom to trust in this critical hour. I saw Amanda's word and how "subterfuge" was shown to her and I jumped out of my seat b/c it confirms what I heard and saw in my dream. God bless everyone and keep praying. The Lord is faithful ðŸ™
Amanda I finally found latest word under ministry blog. I would really like if it was written with the bold or all cap words that you tell us of when God says all caps. Also under blog then prophecy latest I see there is April
Dear Amanda, I'm grateful for your ministry, don't have Xtra money at this time. But plan to donate to your animal farm. I will be praying and declaring safety and victory for D.J. Trump and family, my discernment of these times are in line with the Word of God given to you so graciously
There was an unusual lion event in Karachi Pakistan. A lion escaped from a vehicle before being recaptured by police after causing hours of panic. It was apparently a pet being transported by its owner.