©2024 Ark of Grace Ministries

Word from the Lord--September 13, 2022

All praise be to the Most High God, King of Kings, Lord of Hosts, Maker of heaven and earth. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof! And to His Kingdom, there is NO END. All Glory and Praise to the Lord of Hosts!!

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, is MY arm too short that it cannot save MY children? Is My Power too Limited that it cannot intervene? Fear Not, for I AM WITH YOU be not dismayed for I AM Your God. BEHOLD I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU, I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH My righteous right hand says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the heart of the nation has become diseased, the CHAMBERS are filled with decay and filth and a BYPASS IS NEEDED AND REQUIRED SAYS THE LORD and BYPASS I will says the Lord. For I the Lord your God DO NOT submit to man's laws and manmade governments says the Lord. I am not under their Jurisdiction, However, says the Lord they shall certainly be under mine. For there is a time and season for everything under heaven says the Lord of Hosts.

A time to rise up and a time to fall. There shall be a string that attaches strategic falls in this hour says the Lord. And says the Lord of Hosts, Rosh Hashanah, says the Lord, one of the most strategic and pivotal falls and removals shall take place during this time, for a dark horse is coming forth and leadership shall be overthrown and challenged, one shall even be a coup and reported as such, a political coup so strategic in its planning and timing that you shall see leaders around this country, I the Lord speak of, you shall see them fumble their words and visibly quake for the winds of change are blowing across Europe says the Lord, the winds of change have begun to go forth in the United States of America. 

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the bell shall ring, the hour shall reach midnight, where you see a large shift in positions in this nation for elections shall not be such, for sticky fingers shall be caught before the elections and arrests made, says the Lord of Hosts that will further drive the people to take a stand and areas of blue shall turn red BUT not the mixed shade of red that has blue streaks running through it says the Lord BUT RED. A RED FLAG A RED FLAG SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS JUST WATCH FOR NOT ONLY THIS NATION BUT A LARGE RED FLAG TO OCCUR IN YOUR NATION THAT GIVES AWAY THEIR POSITION as a group of 3 shall fall says the Lord of Hosts.  


And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the time of the shofar, the time of the trumpet says the Lord, there shall be complete upheaval in Israel as it is Indeed a new year and a new way shall be made for a NEW leader to arise in Israel, assisted by one familiar with that seat as lightening strikes in Israel shall hit in KEY areas as well as unusual pressure and weather that shall indicate what is moving in the Spirit as I the Lord thy God am getting ready to completely cut open the entrails of their government and spill out and flush out what has been IMPACTED and blocking what I the Lord God have decreed and written on a scroll and sent it into the earth, into Israel says the Lord of Hosts and that scroll has been read by the holy angels and the instruction is being carried out as I the Lord thy God am causing a crack in the brotherhood that has a grip on Israel, there shall be a crack and then total division as they turn on each other over the slightest comment that shall be made, the spark that ignites the fire says the Lord of Hosts and MY HOLY FIRE is set to burn near the Temple Mount says the Lord of Hosts. What man would call strange occurrences will occur around the Temple Mount as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting and there shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location as even the Wailing Wall shall lose a piece as an indication that I the Lord am tearing down their stronghold that they have built and those who have turned on their own people, who are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from vaults into another neighboring country shall be caught RED HANDED says the Lord of Hosts. Watch and see as these things come forth and are brought to pass.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the papers will NOT be in order, the cords of the wicked shall be frustrated, their briefs shall be frustrated, their case shall not be in order and shall be missing key documentation, and as they push more and more to bring forth an indictment is shall turn and that indictment shall fall upon members of the Department of Justice as it is so named I the Lord thy God have sent holy angels to write the word JUSTICE IS SERVED upon the doorposts and areas where those attempting to hunt down not only political; opponents, but ones who have seen what they are doing, and it has been written above the posts and the doors and the control rooms and the legal areas and now I shall send My angelic army forth to look for that writing and where it resides those shall be struck, removed, sudden retirement, and sudden falls from position shall occur as I the Lord am sweeping MY JUSTICE through the Department of Justice and you shall see an emergency at the Pentagon as their plans for an even greater terror to the American people and those speaking truth fall short and the Pentagon is shifting says the Lord of Hosts. Watch the embassy in this hour says the Lord, your own government is going to willfully and purposefully through proxies attack the embassies as a distraction and a message that your people are not safe overseas. HOWEVER, says the Lord, the blood of Benghazi, and what is attempted at the embassies shall explosively come to the surface as their plans are unraveling as even the Department of Transportation is involved in moving weapons undercover says the Lord of hosts in what appears to be construction trucks.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, YOM KIPPUR THE DAY OF ATONEMENT says the Lord, another leader strategically connected within much of Europe shall fall in complete scandal and disgrace as the time of grace has thinned and a changing of the guard is occurring worldwide says the Lord of Hosts.

Italy says the Lord!! Italy stop attempting to breathe life into an old Roman says the Lord, those with serpent-like roots, stop attempting to resuscitate Rome and the empire says the Lord, for Italy, is having secret meetings, the leadership, with those who want One World Order and commerce and religion, they have deep channels and ways within their government where they are funding terrorist organizations and attacks and holding hands with the godless with the red flag, with a Turkish flag, they are authoring worse than an Iran deal says the Lord, they are BROKERING says the Lord and they are involved in other elections in other countries as well. As eyes are on China and their allies, Italy has been doing much rewiring and moving of assets including with Syria says the Lord.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch Kuwait as a part 2 will be attempted of what a corrupt and diseased Bush did long ago, that BUSH is soon to be uprooted says the Lord of Hosts for their meetings and plans and blueprints for leadership shall hit a SNAG as their members fall off the wagon and some will just fall and suffer a break for they are fumbling around in darkness and feeding the BEAST says the Lord that wants to control and put a chain around the neck of the eagle, however, there is a weak link, that chain is VERY compromised and it shall break at its core for iron does not mix with clay says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch what washes up on shore says the Lord, just watch.

And says the Lord of Hosts, My people perish for lack of knowledge, the knowledge of the truth will set you free, walk in truth, not parallel to truth BUT TRUTH for many have taken the truth and dug channels off of it where they are mixing truth with fallible information do not allow yourself to be confused in this hour for I the Lord thy God still have much work to do in leadership that is set to make a U-turn and come back, for I the Lord require obedience, and humility, and resolve, and discipline of the mouth for this next term, I require it and I the Lord God have raised that standard and leaders who are marching toward the highest seats in the land shall meet that standard or they shall see the road closed to them says the Lord of Hosts. My instruction is most crucial in this hour says the Lord NOT BRAVADO, the Bravado shall smooth its tone and delivery as I the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way and they may attempt to surround and indite and fight, however, I the Lord am breaking their ring and a way of deliverance shall be executed miraculous. Those around these leaders think they know or they are “in the know” HOWEVER, if they are not seeking Me about such matters they are truly in the dark and the devil will take pot shots at such as even the most brilliant strategist will not see the way I the Lord thy God shall make for only those seeking me to SEE WHAT I SEE SHALL SEE THIS WAY FORM SAYS THE LORD.


And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I the Lord thy God shall and will have My way in this nation, I am sparking a total tilling of the ground in England, and a total rearranging of the crown and its points says the Lord, for what has been in the vault of the royals shall be unlocked and in this hour called forth and the true tale shall be told of their exploits and involvements including those who passed long ago, including the opposing of brothers the true reason shall come forth says the Lord as all the soil must be broken up for new seed to drop into darkness first and then spring forth into the light.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am calling MY people under My wings to take refuge for they are manufacturing yet another crisis in a different way, a way that has a twist to try and RETAIN CONTROL and prevent the people from being heard. Resources, electric, watch what they do as while they are attempting to execute a sudden breach, then a break, then a complete fall says the Lord of Hosts. However, the nation and My children NEED to learn a grave lesson for this nation to be restored as the church needs to do their due diligence as well and walk in truth and teach people truly how to be soldiers and servants for they are being taught to be takers and bondage makers and this must stop says the Lord; it must stop!
One of the largest Church in the nation, the leader will soon step down in shame, for iron and clay have mixed, darkness and light have mixed and have created a deep dark hardened mess deep within its walls and the truth shall be pulled forth for I have sent MY servants to do such and that church shall be shaken in a way that it splits, as half or more of the people are desperately seeking a shepherd and they are getting a show and the bread they are fed is dry and brittle and too much sugar, not enough essential substance says the Lord, watch for this to occur before the end of the year says the Lord of Hosts.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, promotion in the middle of the instability you see in your nations, promotion for My faithful, it is intense and it shall be pressurized as you are promoted and marched through a new open door that you shall see unlock shortly my children. Walk through it in faith knowing I AM WITH YOU EVEN UNTIL THE END OF THE AGE FOR I AM HAVE POSITIONED YOU FOR SUCH A TIME AND AM PRUNING BACK THOSE WHO DO NOT BELONG IN YOUR LIFE FOR THE ENEMY SHALL NO LONGER USE THEM AS A HOST TO OPPOSE YOU FOR THEY ARE BEING BROKEN OFF AND THROWN INTO THE WILDERNESS UNTIL THEY UNDERSTAND WHO THEIR SOURCE IS SUPPOSED TO BE. THE spirit of entitlement and jealousy is being bound and muzzled and will no longer speak such harshness against MY children as the time has come to put in order what has defiantly remained corrupt. This shall be a harsh re-aligning for some who did not heed the warnings and that grace period has thinned and there shall be a very large adjustment. Go forth knowing I am going before you My children I am protecting you. Now is the time to fast and pray and keep your eyes and heart and mind on the things of God that are above and you shall see vindication and victory in this hour. Thus says the Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus Christ who sits at MY right hand amen.


Bettina Belter - August 12th, 2023 at 2:46am

I am so GRATEFUL for your obedience Amanda, thank YOU for THIS word, for ALL of HIS words. Praying for you & Chris. Shalom ✝️🙏❤️‍🔥🎬

Lee Griffiths - August 13th, 2023 at 6:05am

Do not read anything after 1985. The wording in everything has been changed to reflect a different meaning.






#vatican 10 Days of Awe 1968 2025 3 letter agencies 9-11 90 foot statue ABC News ABC ACTS Alexander Hamilton Amalek American Pharoah Arch of Baal Arizona Ashtoreth Athaliah Athens Greece Athens of the South Auschwitz BRICS Baal Babylon Barack Barak Baron Belmont Stakes Bible Biden Big Ben Bonhoeffer Brazil Buckingham Palace Build Back Better Burr Bush CERN CIA Cabinet California Canada Canadian Truckers Carter ChangingoftheGuard Chicago Chile Clinton Colorado Columbine Constitution Convoy Correction Covenant DC DNC DOGE DOJ Daily Wire Damascus Daniel David and Bathsheba David Day of Atonement Daystar Deleware Democrat Party Democratic National Convention Denver Department of Justice Detroit Devil Comet Devi Donald Trump Douglas Weiss Dream Eagle Pass Eagles Pass Easter Egypt Elijah Streams Elon Musk Elon Empire State Building England Esther Europe F5 Feast of Trumpets FieryWord Francefirstladyexposed France Francis Scott Key Bridge Freedom Tower Garland Gaza Gen Z George Floyd George Washington Bridge Germany Gettysburg Goldberg Golden Ishtar Statue Goliath Good Friday Governor Kathy Hochul Haman Hamas Hamilton Harris Harry Helen Hillary Clinton Hochul Hollywood Hunter Hurricane Helene Hurricane Milton Illinois Indonesia Iran Ishtar Israel JD Vance JOY Jefferson Jerusalem Jimmy Carter Joe Biden Johnathan Cahn Jonathan Cahn Jonathan Lamb Jonathan and Suzy Lamb Joni Lamb Joseph Kamala Kansas Kennedy Crest Kennedy Kentucky Derby Kidron Valley King Charles Klaus Schwab Lamb's Lamb\'s Lamb\\\'s Lamb\\\\\\\'s Laura Lynn Leadership Lebanon War Lebanon Liberty Bell Lincoln Tunnel Lisa Weiss Los Angeles Mad Hatter Mar-a-Lago Marcus Lamb Martha's Vineyard Martha\'s Vineyard Marxism Massachusetts Mexico Michigan Middle East Mile High Stadium Minnesota Mitch McConnell Mordecai Musk NYC NY Nahum Nashville Nazi Party Nebuchandnezzar Netanyahu New Jersey New York City New Zealand Nineveh North America North Korea Northeast Obama Ocean Oklahoma City Olympics One World Trade Center PDiddy Palestine Palm Beach Passover Patriot Party Pelosi Pennsylvania Pentegon Portrait Prayer in Schools Prayer President Joe Biden President Trump Presidents President Prince Harry Public Schools Putin Rachael Lamb Rea Sea Roaman Empire Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Roe v. Wade Rosh Hashanah Royal Family Russia Ruth San Fernando Valley San Fransisco Saul Schools Schumer Scripture Senate Shepherd Silence of the Lambs Silicon Valley SoberingWord Soros Spain Speaker of the House Stargate Statue of Liberty Story Daniels Sudan Supreme Court Suzy Lamb Switzerland Syria Ten Commandments Texas Border Texas The WHO The Weimar Window TheChurch TheNation Tim Walz Tony Awards Triple Crown Trudeau Trump Tower Trumps Trump Tucker Carlson Turkey US Ukraine United Airlines United Nations Vatican Venezuela Vivek Ramaswamy Wailing Wall Walz War Washington DC Washington Monument Washington State Washington Watergate Weather Weimar Republic White House WordoftheLord Year of the Dragon Yom Kippur Yom Kippu Zelensky Zeus agendas america banks blood moon bridges capital cartel christian broadcasting networks christian broadcasting church leadership churches church cicadas civil war clash of Titans comet congress court case court systems courtroom courts court current events democrats donkeys dreams drones earthquake earth east coast eclipse elections election elephants government governors horses horse idols immigrants inauguration day indictments judges judge judgment justice lbgtq+ leaders manilla envelopes markets mayors media nasa nation nature networks new wine new york oak trees oak pastors pharaoh plagues poles political arena politics pope pride month pride prison prophecy purim rabbis rainbow reawaken recovery republicans restitution revelation revival shepherds signs social media spirit states stock market storm sun the ACTS the Lamb family the View the church the hil the last days the nation the political arena and the church transgenderism united states verdicts view wind word from the lord